

デジタル工場、デジタル労働、デジタル資本主義――International Review of Social History


 アムステルダムの国際社会史研究所が発行する学術誌 International Review of Social History の第69巻第2号(2024年8月)は「デジタル・ファクトリー」特集です。





  • Görkem Akgöz & Aad Blok, "Introduction to the Review Dossier on The Digital Factory: Continuing a Long-Standing Debate"
  • Bridget Kenny, "Workers Reconstituting the Factory"
  • Nico Pizzolato, "The Hidden Labour of Digital Capitalism: Changes, Continuities, Critical Issues"
  • Görkem Akgöz, "Old Wine in New Bottles, or Novel Challenges? A Labour History Perspective on Digital Labour"

  • Greg Downey, "Mapping the Social Relations of Labor in Contemporary Algorithmic Society"

  • Moritz Altenried, "Light and Shadow of the Digital Factory: Response to the Comments"